We're Solving Society
2 min readAug 4, 2021


Final professional opinion: Collective narcissism with concerningly low self-awareness with an emphasis on its expression through misogyny


  1. Full-salaried on-time, clear and coherent manual-provided community health workers
  2. Community intelligence (deliberate seeking of silenced identities, failure to reciprocate results in termination) ongoing audit of that manual.
  3. Non-exploitative networking (no dating apps, incoherent ISAs or NDAs for business purposes)
  4. Continuous down-up (all-inclusive) and top-down (best of each community) audits of blocks to economic mobility
  5. Stringent community call-outs for exploitative realtors and resource exhaustors (climate deniers)

WSS will now be working on projects of interest in private and will no longer be available. If you require further reasoning, please read our final gratuitous piece. My personal work will be entirely offline, with all potential paths toward unrecognized, uncompensated exploitation fully, permanently and firmly cut off. This is a natural consequence of willful and knowledgeably exploitative behavior.

Understanding the Wound of The Competent but Absent Authority (the “Empty Seat”)

Preventable, deliberated, and personally elected absence of support: A situation stemming from a severe inability to collaborate or integrate so pathological that any rational agent must exit the situation due to internal rot and severe inability to mutually cooperate; a system of normalized unresponsiveness, bad faith, severe opportunistic exploitation, insecurity-based competitiveness, irresponsibility and inability to humble oneself to the reality of one’s pathology so immense that continued exposure threatens any professional’s very life without even basically sufficient compensating positive results. Continued normalization of threats to life, dishonoring of carefully and respectfully honed skill and disrespect of the financial foundations of basically sustained body and livelihood modeling an irresponsible behavior the replication of which no competent agent could ever endorse or normalize. Unwillingness to cooperate combined with inability to accept abandonment resulting in a hellish, disintegrated landscape that cannot congeal itself sufficiently to instantiate the unified will required for the competent and clean act of decisionmaking and, in addition, will not accept any authority with the ability and force of judgment to do so. A desire for competence, life and even superiority with a vanity based denial of its machinery.


